(B) Boreal owls range over larger areas in regions where food of the sort eaten by small mammals is sparse than they do in regions where such food is abundant
Living beings exhibit various changes in the behavior and niche to make themselves better fitted to the conditions of their habitats.
Boreal owls feed on the other smaller mammals such as mice and shrews. These organisms that serve as their prey are relatively less abundant in the habitat. To ensure the food availability, the boreal owls occupy a larger area so that they can catch their less abundant food organisms.
In the habitats where the prey species of boreal owls are present in a larger number, these owls occupy smaller regions since the food organisms are easily available.
The Devonian Period was part of the better known Paleozoic Period. Some scientist think it was 416 million years ago. It was the time of the great fish. It gets its name from when red rocks from Devon, England were also found in North America. It is believed that during this period parts of North America, Europe, Russia and Greenland crashed together making a new land mass. Scientists believe this period ended about 354 million years ago when land plants began to take over and much of what was an ocean disappeared.
Storing sperm and Egg cells to later create babies when desired.
Parents controlling the baby sex that is produced.
A tympanic membrane, (is also called a tympanum), is the circular patch of skin directly behind the frog’s eye that we commonly call an eardrum. It functions much like our’s does.
The tympanum sends sound waves to the middle of the war then to inner ear, which allows a frog to hear both in the air and below water.