Enfermedad que se desarrolla lentamente, pudiendo durar mucho tiempo o incluso el resto de la vida de una persona. Un ejemplo es la artritis.
Tipo de glóbulo blanco o leucocito que fabrica unas sustancias llamadas anticuerpos, muy importantes en nuestras defensas.
Enfermedades que llevan a la muerte
Las diez enfermedades más misteriosas
La causa del alzhéimer todavía es desconocida. Las investigaciones suelen asociar la enfermedad con la aparición de placas seniles y ovillos neurofibrilares. ...
Resfriado común.
Gripe aviar.
Enfermedades autoinmunes.
D. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indago, Violet.
Violet has the highest freqency and red has the lowest.
Hope this helped!
<span>Sam, a mendalien with black eyes and green skin, has a parent with orange eyes and white skin. Sam has a dominant phenotype expressed but he has a parent with a recessive phenotype which means he has a heterozygote gene.
Carole is a mendalien with orange eyes and white skin. Since Carole express both recessive phenotypes she should be homozygote recessive.
The key to this problem is how Sam dominant gene will be inherited. Since there are two heterozygote genes, it will be 50% dominant gene inherited for each phenotype. Then the result should be:
25% Dominant + Dominant =</span>black eyes and green skin<span>
25% Dominant + Recessive =</span>black eyes and white skin
25% Recessive + Dominant =orange eyes and green skin
25% Recessive + Recessive =orange eyes and white skin
Rough endoplasmic reticulum differ from smooth endoplasmic reticulum by the presence and absence of ribosomes in their surface.
Rough endoplasmic is named so because RER contain ribosomes at their surface and due to the presence of ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum play an importnt role in protein synthesis or translation.
Whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not contain any ribosome in its surface.smooth endoplasmic reticulum helps in the biosynthesis of lipid and steroids along with detoxification of toxic compounds.