Two allied nations enforce economic sanctions on a country until its government changes a key policy.
Because they were very controversial issues, people either hated you for it or loved you for it.
The correct answer is Turkey.
Asia Minor (or Anatolia) was a geographic region in south-western Asia, which nowadays represents the Asian part of modern Turkey and some parts of Armenia.
Alexander the Great defeated Persians in the Battle of the Granicus (334-333 BC), and after that proceeded with the conquest of Asia Minor. Most of the cities surrendered without a fight, but he experienced some difficulties while conquering some cities of Miletus, Halicarnassus, and Mylasa.
According to the legend, in the ancient capital, Gordium, Alexander cut the famous Gordian Knot that made him a King of Asia.
Besides Asia Minor, his empire also included Macedonia, Greece, Syria, Judea, Phoenicia, Egypt, Gaza, Mesopotamia, Persia, Bactria and some parts of India.