the town life is different then village life, un town there are all the types of facilities but in very less amount. many poor persons are not getting food and many of them are living in air conditioners whole day. village life very difficult to live but in village we can purchase the food easily
Setting is the time and place where a scene occurs. It can help set the mood, influence the way characters behave, affect the dialog, foreshadow events, invoke an emotional response, reflect the society in which the characters live, and sometimes even plays a part in the story. It can also be a critical element in nonfiction as the setting provides the framework for what is being discussed.
Coexisting means existing at the same time (or place) as something or someone else. It can also mean to live in peace with one another, instead of war.
Coexistir significa existir al mismo tiempo (o lugar) que algo o alguien más. También puede significar vivir en paz unos con otros, en lugar de la guerra.