Using more diesel engines
Yes they are, but there beliefs are a little different. Like for example; Catholics zre aloud to drink and dance, but a baptist is not aloud to yet they still do but stick baptists do not.
As in England, and some Western European Countries that began to industrialize earlier than the U.S. (Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and France), industrialization brought massive changes to American workers.
For one, decade after decade more people moved to the cities, and less people stayed in the countryside as farmers. A big difference is that farmers in the U.S. frequently owned the land while industrial workers did not own the factories.
This means that workers make a living by earning a wage for their work in the factory, while farmers usually make a living either by consuming the food they produce, or by selling the food, or a combination of both. This gives a greater autonomy and power to the farmer, but not necessarily a higher income.
Answer: Republican Party
The Republican Party is focused onto those topics.