With the promise of freedom and new economic and educational opportunities, Kansas attracted many African Americans in its territorial days, through statehood, and into the 20th century. Slavery existed in the Kansas Territory, but slave holdings were small compared to the South. Many black migrants also came to the territory as hired laborers, while some traveled as escaped slaves through the Underground Railroad. In the 1860s, others joined the Union Army, and some moved from the South in large groups during the Kansas Exodus, a mass migration of freedpeople during the 1870s and 1880s. As a territory that had a long and violent history of pre-Civil War contests over slavery, Kansas emerged as the “quintessential free state” and seemed like a promised land for African Americans who searched for what they called a “New Canaan.”
2 O Creon said it about Antigone
The Catholic church in Italy was controlled by the medieval popes, and the bishops were often worldly figures to nobles. The controversy of lay investiture was initiated by a decree from Pope Gregory VII in 1075, ended in an 1122 compromise called the Concordat of Worms. Pope Innocent III, in the 1200s, used tools such as spiritual to bring the church to the height of its political power.
The early part of the Vedic period, was an age of economic self-sufficiency and consequently there was little scope for an exchange of commodities. All the rural centres were self-supporting. Every house-holder produced the necessaries of life—his farm producing his food-grains and other necessaries, the industry of the women of his household supplied him with his clothing, while the craftsmen attached to the village did the rest. Consequently, there was no inter-dependence between two neighbouring local areas. The surplus product was kept for future consumption. This state of full economic independence did not however last long. Society became complex.
A large section of the community gave up the simple agricultural life; the primitive arts and crafts drew away a large number; owing to these and various other causes, there arose a scope for interchange of commodities between different local areas.