Correct answer (from choices shown in comment): C: Many members still wanted to keep the king involved in government.
The 3rd Estate represented the "ordinary" or "common" citizens of France, as opposed to clergy (1st Estate) and nobility (2nd Estate). The 3rd Estate was the bulk of the people (98% of the population) of France, all considered "commoners." (The clergy and nobility were the 1st and 2nd Estates.) So, the 3rd Estate included wealthy, bourgeois wine merchants and lawyers and professionals, as well as day laborers in the city and peasant farmers in the country.
The beginning phase of the French Revolution was led by the bourgoisie -- the wealthier, business class within the 3rd Estate. They were not seeking a complete upheaval of the government, but a situation that would give them greater political rights and a government that would be advantageous for their pursuit of business profits. So the first phase of the Revolution was moderate in its goals, wanting the king to remain but be a constitutional monarch. It was later that the Revolution turned radical and began to move against the king and his family, eventually executing both the king and the queen.
A. General William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to Sea destroyer Southern transportation lines
Sherman’s March started from Atlanta to Savanna. On the way troops were ordered to destroy the railways that they come across and make them unusable .
Apollo 11, in July 1969, climaxed the step-by-step procedure with a lunar landing; on July 20 astronaut Neil Armstrong and then Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon's surface.
Tobacco, by far, was the most profitable of the Middle Colonies' cash crops, but indigo, cotton, and cereals (rye, wheat, corn) were also common.