It is never too late to back out or say no. If you feel uncomfortable, let your partner know. Even if you have just started the process, you can stop at any time you want. Never feel pressured to continue. If you are with the right partner, he or she will respect your wishes.
A daimyo was a feudal lord in shogunal Japan from the 12th century to the 19th century. The daimyos were large landowners and vassals of the shogun. Each daimyo hired an army of samurai warriors to protect his family's lives and property.
One long term effect was the population decrease. Once populated villages and towns were left to rubble and ruins after the black death hit. Large, working expanses of land were left to deserted wilderness, crops were left to rot in the ground, and cattle were left to roam around until they perished.
Scorched Earth policy. The Russians burned whatever they couldn't take with them. In that period, lots of supplies were gained through scavenging and taking from the locals, but with everything destroyed, the French had no supplies bar what was being sent to them, but the further into Russia they got, the longer it took for supplies to catch up.<span />