This question is about the use of foreign words or expressions to complete the sentences.
Plagiarism is the act of copying a writer's words verbatim and claiming them as one's own.
I had a sense of déjà vu when I saw the girl who looked just like her mother used to.
I trust you completely. You have complete carte blanche to arrange the party.
<u>Saying or writing something verbatim means using the exact same words that were originally used.</u>
<u>Déjà vu is an expression which refers to the illusion of remembering scenes, the feeling of having already lived this moment, or simply a feeling of familiarity.</u>
<u>The French expression "carte blanche" means giving someone complete freedom to do something because you trust them entirely.</u>
<u>As we can see, all the expressions above make sense when we take the context clues of each sentence into consideration.</u>
C. To persuade a town council should be the correct answer.
This would be Descriptive writing.
D sounds most reasonable to me since they need money to go and by buying t shirts helps support them to go to the championships.