Thomas Jefferson. Now I just have to make this "at least 20 characters to explain it well". I'm not entirely sure how to explain Thomas Jefferson more though.
They felt that Latin American ports were of greater strategic value than Pacific ports.
Y2K problem
Y2K problem is short for Year 2000 problem or also called millennium bug, was a computer program problem because the coding in the computer systems till 1990's was such that they save the years in two digits instead of four to save space. For example, the year 1998 was saved as '98'. It created an environment of fear among many government offices and data processing companies that the computers would stop working from mid night of 1 January 2000.
Concentration camps were more along the lines of camps that were used to hold and secure people, usually civilians, that were unwanted or suspicious to the country holding them. Many people like to attune it to just Jewish people in Nazi Germany, but concentration camps have been used by the US against Native Americans and Japanese people, they were also used by the Japanese during world war II as well as the Russians.
A Death camp is exactly what it sounds like, usually used only to eliminate evidence, humans, or unneeded Prisoners of War, traitors, or civilians. Most death camps that were recorded in history came from Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII.