Peter and Anne didn’t have the best relationship for a while but they soon realized that they had to put the saltiness behind if they wanted to survive and became close friends.
He is captured by a colonel who is son of Don Lupe that was killed by Juvencio. When some men are trampling on his small property he goes out to tell them not to do that when he is captured. He doesn't want to die and he says that he is not a threat to anybody because he is too old then the colonel tells his men to get Juvencio drunk.
It means to persuade mostly, so your answer is D.
I would go with B, or Ways to build immunity to diseases. Why? Well, just by using the word biology, we can use process of elimination. The prefix “bio” means life, so C and D already would be out. The suffix “ology” means the study of, so the word biology means the study of life. Because biology often has to do with diseases and finding cures to sustain human life spans, the only logical answer would be B. A would make no sense in terms of biology.
A. People generally obey and listen to authority figurines