Adrenergic receptors are the integral proteins present in the postsynaptic plasma membranes. These receptors are activated when the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine bind to them. The alpha 1 adrenergic receptors are found in the smooth muscle fibers of blood vessels that serve the salivary glands, skin, and kidneys. These receptors are also found in the radial muscle of iris of the eye as well as in the sphincter muscles of the stomach and urinary bladder.
They exert excitatory effect and lead to contraction of smooth muscles of the blood vessels, dilation of pupil, and closure of sphincters of the bladder.
Robber crabs have more in common with humans than sponges.
Robber crabs have more in common with humans than sponges because sponges don't have tissues. Crabs and humans have specialised tissue.
In the deep layers of the ocean, various distinct kinds of species are found like fangtooth fish and vampire squid, to sea urchins and coffinfish.
One of the probable adaptation, which is not fully understood in the deep sea is gigantism. This refers to the ability of animals to become highly enormous in size. A well-known illustration is a giant squid, and others, like giant isopod, the kings of herrings selfish, and the colossal squid.
One of the possible reason of gigantism is the tendency of the species in the deep sea to live for long years, that is, for decades or for even centuries. As food is not abundant in the deep zones, thus deep sea creatures have evolved some interesting mechanisms of feeding.
In the non-existence of photosynthesis, the majority of food comprises of detritus, that is, the decaying leftovers of algae, microbes, animals, and plants from the upper layers of the ocean. Apart from that, the corpses of large animals, like whales that sink to the bottom give irregular but huge feasts for deep-sea animals.
Trunk flexor endurance test.
McGill’s torso muscular test is generally used to assess the muscle endurance of the torso muscles that works as a stabilizer. This test generally includes the four major test.
The test that includes the trunk flexor of the endurance test is a timed test that involves the static isometric contraction of the muscles. This test stabilizes the spine til the individual cannot hold the assumed position and the individual exhibits the fatigue.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A).