Molecules produced in the nucleus are transported to the cytoplasm via ribosomes.
periosteum ----> dense irregular connective tissue
- The periosteum is a dense fibrous membrane that covers the surfaces of bones.
The periosteum consists of two layers-
1. Outer fibrous layer
2. Inner cellular layer
- It is mainly composed of dense irregular connective tissue along with a layer of simple squamous epithelium.
- The function of periosteum is to cover the surface of all the bones except those surfaces that are covered with cartilage such as joints and tendons and ligaments.
An autotroph is an organism capable photosynthesis or chemosynthesis through reducing carbon dioxide, fats, sugars and/or proteins in a repetitive cycle of energy production and use to support its life. these include all plants, algae and certain bacterium.
its counterpart is the heterotroph which is reliant on outside sources for their means of energy. aka tertiary consumer: animals, fungi and certain bacterium
-organism having nucleus
-organism without nucleus
-organism having one cell
-organism having many cell
-Organism that can make their own food
-Organism that cannot make their own food.
The horse and donkey, though closely related by sharing a common ancestor, are different species. They have different number of chromosomes hence pairing of homologous chromosomes during fusion of gametes becomes complicated. The mule will have an extra chromosome from the horse hence will have abnormalities such as sterility. A Mule is unable to reproduce due to this same phenomenon. Homologous chromosomes are not well paired for meiosis I.