Sir Syed played a vital role in the educational uplift of the Muslims in India. He did the following things to improve the educational standards: ... Set up Muhammadan educational conferences in 1866 to raise the standards of education.
Ocean currents can be generated by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations, gravity, and events such as earthquakes. Currents are cohesive streams of seawater that circulate through the ocean.
constitutional monarchy
B constitutional republic
In constitutional monarchy, the power within the government is shared by the member of the monarch family and the parliament. Election allow the people to select the members of parliament who will fight for their Ernestine. So election basically limit the power of the monarch under this system.
In constitutional republic, people have the power to elect the head of state and the head of the nation. But most of the time, members from different parties are elected to fill in the job. Since these parties tend to have different interest, they will naturally limit each other's influence within the government.