Driving will not be dangerous for your health.
A researcher uses deduction to formulate a hypothesis and then forms a theory. It can be said that a theory is never proven when a theory holds only until some evidence comes forward to disapprove it.
In addition to explaining existing facts, a theory also enables scientists to forecast what observations they should expect to see if the theory is correct.
- Scientific hypotheses can be tested.
- A theory should be consistent with new data.
- If not, the theory is changed or abandoned.
The most comprehensive explanations for how the world functions are currently found in accepted theories. They have undergone extensive testing, are backed by numerous lines of evidence, and have shown promise in developing explanations and revealing new study fields.
But science is always evolving, and even hypotheses can alter.
To learn more about theory click here
Recall a time when you recognized a false body image in the media. Describe the event and highlight one or more methods the media used to create the unrealistic depiction.
If educated women are in the family quality of life will be improved because the one who leads the family is the women if she is educated then automatically the family quality increases.
If educated women are in the family quality of life will be improved because the one who leads the wellbeing of family are the women and if there are educated then the automatically the family quality increases
Answer: An organism is a living thing that can preform all the life functions.