The Greatest Showman is a musical about P T Barnum and how he created a circus. The characters played their roles beautifully, specifically Zendaya and Keala Settle. The way that the songs were interlaced with the characters movements and actions was spot on and perfectly in sync. One weak point would be when Rebecca Ferguson is lip singing Never enough on stage, and she doesn't pull it off smoothly. The overall message that you are perfect just the way you are is portrayed beautifully throughout the entire movie.
This is correct. Make sure to put a space after the comma that comes after Daises though.
"Boredom was a terror almost as awful as the work itself."
This is the metaphor that Gary Soto uses in the text "One Last Time. " In this text, Soto describes both boredom and work as awful "terrors." This shows that Soto finds it difficult and disheartening to engage in either of these activities, as he does not enjoy work or rest. The image conveys the idea that Soto has lost all drive and motivation. This metaphor contributes to creating a tone of sadness and desperation.