Sentence 2 is right.
Since Ana is doing the training in which three skills are taught. So it is for sure that if she spends an hour for swimming, that hour cannot be utilized for acquiring other skills such as biking or running. So she has to make a choice and while making a choice she has to forgive other option. That is opportunity cost for her, the next best alternative forgone
If you are a girl the media expects you to be girly and like shopping and putting on makeup, some girls hate that stuff
Local spaces open for public to help them with social activities. Parks, gyms, store, mall and clubs are some of local spaces which are open to everyone for gaining relaxation in their leisure time.
People are busy in weekdays and they need some place for relaxation on weekend. There are many places which provide with recreational activities for people to relax and spend their weekends with their family.
Someone taking a course in Web design is affecting human capital.