Teen: I wouldn't want the martial law back, because first off; that means we are undergoing a war on the U.S. soil, and second off, that means the President (being Trump) can over ride the other branches of the government, making him our "ruler" of sorts, and can form laws that could be normally harmful towards the economy and citizens of the U.S.
I believe that is the answer☝......
The primary function of administrative agencies is policy implementation, which is to say that they carry out the authoritative decisions of Congress, the president<span>, and the courts. The </span>bureaucracy does<span> not simply administer policy; it also makes it and judges it (quasi-powers mimic the powers </span>of the<span> three branches</span>
They investigated the incident of Watergate very heavily.
This was very problematic, as it seemed that Nixon was spying on other campaigns. The Watergate scandal marked an abuse of power, so it was important that Congress investigated this and kept his power in check