Changes to the government are called Amendments.
There have been 27 changes so far, or, there are currently 27 Amendments. The first 10 Amendments are called The Bill of Rights.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the Domino theory
Gridlock is also called political stalemate, it is a situation when there is difficulty in passing a laws if it doesn't satisfy the needs of the people.
Grid lock occurs due to the filibuster rule, according to it there must be a super majority of 60 senators to bring a bill to the Senate floor. It happens when the control of both houses of presidency and Congress is split between rival parties.
It prevents the government from enforcing arbitrary laws, US was founded by rebelling against the tyrannical rule of British Crown. The framers wanted a provision to prevent government from becoming tyrannical. Gridlock enforces the concept of limited government and protects the individual rights and liberties from government encroachment by passing arbitrary laws.
They hunted and gathered their food. The nomads moved place to place and the Neolithic age they began to develop agriculture and herd their food
Jim Crow laws were black codes targeted by any non-white class. They placed legal limitations on things such as voting, working, and even recreational events were limited to any non-white person.