<h3>You can place watermarks and other recurring elements on a DTP document by following the points below:</h3><h3 />
- Open the DTP document on which watermark is to be placed.
- Click on Page Layout tab
- Locate the Page Background group and click it.
- Select the Watermark Option and then select Custom watermark.
- A box will open when you click the Text Watermark.
- Type the text you want and click on Insert.
- All other changes can be done using options.
<h3>I hope it will help you!</h3>
XML (Extensible Markup Language):
XML (Xtensible Markup Language):
It is a markup language that is used for creating web-pages, it defines a set of rules that makes it readable both to humans and machine.
XML was primarily designed to be a software and hardware independent tool and it's focus was on data. XML provides a framework for defining markup languages.
XML, HTML and XHTML are all related to each other because they are all markup languages and can be used to build websites.
-HTML is primarily for web-pages.
-XML is primarily for data.
-XHTML is a standard based on HTML that follows the strict rules of XML.
A. should be the answer hope this helps :)