online help and user forums iam not sure of this amswer maybe
c. are based on statistical data, measurement and metrics
Data driven process are process that are not based on intuition but rather are based on data. This data serves as evidence to back a decision that is to be taken. It therefore means that, whatever decision that will be taken, such a decision will be based on the data presented.
Finding kth element is more efficient in a doubly-linked list when compared to a singly-linked list
Assuming that both lists have firs_t and last_ pointers.
For a singly-linked list ; when locating a kth element, you have iterate through a number of k-1 elements which means that locating an element will be done only in one ( 1 ) direction
For a Doubly-linked list : To locate the Kth element can be done from two ( directions ) i.e. if the Kth element can found either by traversing the number of elements before it or after it . This makes finding the Kth element faster because the shortest route can be taken.
<em>Finding kth element is more efficient in a doubly-linked list when compared to a singly-linked list </em>
Most reasonable answer is a line chart.
With line charts you can spot trends and variations in a certain range of data through different times or just different values of the variable that we plot on the x-axis. In general, line charts are often used in research that wants to depict time trends or how a certain variable progresses through different levels of the variable on the x-axis.
// here is code in Java.
// package
import java.util.*;
// class definition
class Main
// method that return sum of two sale value
public static int Add(int euroSales,int asiaSales)
// return the sum
return euroSales+asiaSales;
//main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// variables
int euroSales=100;
int asiaSales=150;
int eurasiaSales;
// call the function
// print the sum
System.out.println("total sale is:"+eurasiaSales);
}catch(Exception ex){
Declare and initialize two variables "euroSales=100" and "asiaSales=150". Declare another variable eurasiaSales. Call the method Add() with euroSales and asiaSales as parameter. This method will add both the value and return the sum.This sum will be assigned to variable eurasiaSales.Then print the sum.
total sale is:250