The Atomic bomb was correctly seen as such a jump forward in modern weaponry that it would end the war with the holder of the weapon being the ultimate victory.
This proved to be true as the dominant powers after the War were the two nations that had the weapons (US and Soviet Union).
The Red Scare was a time in the US when Americans were worried and determined to protect the US from Communist influence and protect democracy and capitalism.
Image result for what was de Pineda looking for on his trip
The stated purpose of Álvarez de Pineda's voyage was to explore the coast between the discoveries of De León on the Florida peninsula and those made on behalf of Velázquez along the southern Gulf, in hope of finding a strait to the Pacific Ocean
Answer: Arabic will be one of the leading languages in the USA so if you learn it now it will be beneficial in the future.
One of the major reasons why Americans distrusted public institutions like the government was because of the publishing of the Pentagon Papers. This series of government documents that were supposed to be classified, essentially showed that the US federal government had been lying about the progress the US was making in the Vietnam War. These documents caused outrage all over the country, as thousands of American men were drafted into this military conflict for what seemed like a failed mission.