Witch statement is true for what
There is a possibility that trump will win the 2016 election and then he will become the 45th presid
2. Republican President= B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
3. a person who currently holds an office= F. incumbent
4. Democratic President= A. Jimmy Carter
6. to yield or surrender; admit or acknowledge= E. concede
1. formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912= C.Bull Moose Party
5. formed by Ross Perot in 1992= D. United We Stand Party
Assembly Women, Clouds, Revenue
<em>Assemblywomen </em>is Aristophanes' comedy in which women gain control of the Athenian government and change the rules. <u>It is written as the critique of the government of Athens at the time</u>
<em>Clouds </em>are Aristophanes' satirical comedy piece, <u>one of the first so-called "comedy of ideas"</u>. It also offered a caricature of Socrates. At the time, it was not well received.
<em>Revenue </em>- more commonly known as <em>Wealth </em>or <em>Pluto </em>- is political comedy satire by Aristophanes, <u>again aimed as a critique of Athens</u>. One of the main characters is the personification of god Plutus, the god of wealth.
<em>Phaedrus, Critias, Meno, Phaedo, Republic, Timaeus</em> and <em>Euthyphro </em>are all pieces <u>written by Plato. </u>
<em>Anabasis, Agesilaus, Hellenica, Hunting with Dogs, On Horsemanship, The Constitution of the Spartans</em> and <em>Oeconomicus </em>are <u>written by Xenophon</u>