Building more parks and houses will take away homes for animals living there.
The amount of CO2 absorbed by plants through photosynthesis is enormous plants have the ability to absorb and in turn sequester enormous amounts of carbon over a very long time much of the excess atmospheric CO2 is from the result of burning phonology fuels
The organic molecule called glycogen is formed of branched chains of sugar units.
-Glycogen is a branched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria.
-In humans, glycogen is made and stored in liver and muscle cells. Muscle cell glycogen is broken down into glucose, and liver glycogen is broken down into glucose as a circulating energy source glucose for use by the body.
-Glycogen is accumulated in response to insulin and broken down into glucose in response to glucagon. It plays a major role in maintaining the blood-glucose levels, which is vital since some organs in the body such as the brain purely depend on glucose for energy.
- fibrous joint between radius and ulna: C. syndesmosis
- fibrous joint that unites bones of the skull: H. suture
- articulation between teeth and bone: J. gomphosis
- joint with a cavity between bones: E. synovial
- the epiphyseal plate: F. synchondrosis
- articulation between two pubic bones: A. symphysis
- permits opposition and reposition: B. saddle
- fibrocartilagenous fluid filled sacs outside the joint cavity: G. meniscus
- most common degenerative joint disease: D. osteoarthritis
- movement of the sole laterally: I. eversion
The syndesmosis can be defined as a fibrous joint held together by ligaments. Sutures are fibrous joints of tissue that link the cranial bones of the skull. A gomphosis is a mobile fibrous that binds the teeth into sockets in the mandible and maxilla. Synovial joints are joints found between bones that move against each other (e.g., shoulder bones). They (synovial joints) are the most common class of joints found in the body. A symphysis is a cartilaginous, slightly movable, joint between two bones. A saddle is a synovial joint whose opposing surfaces are concave and convex, respectively. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, this condition occurs when the protective cartilage surrounding the bones wears away over time. Finally, eversion refers to a type of movement of the foot which occurs in the auctioneering joint.