Hmm I haven't read The Great Gatsby but I can kinda guide you what to write from beginning middle and end.
So this will be a mix of a....
Expository essay, meaning you stat facts and scenarios in the reading that are about The Great Gatsby.
This will also be a Persuasive essay, meaning convince the reader on your idea or stance.
Now the beginning, write about some of the reasons why he is the great Gatsby. This Will be about 1 or 2 paragraphs.
Then in the middle, refer back to the reading and show some examples Gatsby made for those who did well in America and could live the dream...
...and then put the other side where others were less fortunate no matter how hard they traded due to a system fitted for them not to.
at the end...put why you feel this was well written or purposed by Gatsby and whether he was bias (which means felt one side was better than the other or one was treated less fair).
So I know this a question but if your teacher said it should be in essay format for A 2 page paper then this is how you do it.
Because the question itself isn't a two page answer without listing his status in the community, viewpoints and your thoughts.
A counterclaim is a claim to rebut a previous claim or to object the claim that was made.
In Totentanz,
"the skeleton corners the unfortunate Türmer, who quivers in cowardice, and is about to deliver a deathly blow when providence saves the Türmer just in time". The poem is about the skeletons of men and women who have died dance in the middle of the night. When their shrouds fall across the graveyard, the warder picks one up. When the dead try to go back into their tombs, the one whose shroud was taken stays awake. He seeks out the warder and seeks the warder's death unless he returns it.
B. both stories include characters that created life
Answer: The most common strategies for comprehending a new or unfamiliar word include using a dictionary or guessing word meaning from the context of the sentence