The brain is divided into lobes that carry out different kinds of functions. There are 5 lobes in the brain:
1. Frontal lobe: Concentration, planning, problem solving, etc are the function performed by this region of the human brain.
2. Parietal lobe: Touch, pressure, taste and body awareness is processed by this lobe.
3. Temporal lobe: Long-term memory, hearing, emotions are processed in this lobe.
4. Occipital lobe: Sight is processed in this lobe.
5. Cerebellum: Coordination and balance, fine motor control are performed by this part of the brain.
The modern neuroscience has also confirmed the presence of brain waves like the alpha, beta, theta and gamma rhythm that sweep across the different lobes and regions of the brain. These waves are known to result from the collective activity of neurons in each of the regions. The brain waves are studied to check the activity of the regions that are coordinating together to carry out a particular type of task.
Provide commercial/recreational opportunities without adversely impacting wild populations (i.e. overharvest).
In a solar system, there is a sun that is in the middle and has planets orbiting around it. The same way, the nucleus is in the middle with electrons orbiting the nucleus. <span />
Low concentration to high concentration
That is called Urogenital myiasis which is a parasitic infestation. These flies are in the Diptera species group and the cause of this myiasis is from the eggs and larvae of this species (fly).
Let me know if you need further info.
- Dotz