To find out which one makes the most gramatical sense, plug in your options
"I don’t know whom some campers can’t seem to stay out of funny situations."
"I don’t know whose some campers can’t seem to stay out of funny situations."
"I don’t know where some campers can’t seem to stay out of funny situations."
"I don’t know why some campers can’t seem to stay out of funny situations."
out of all four, the last option makes the most sense in this sentence
Hope this helps!!
Mr.Avery said "It was written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobeyed their parents, smoked cigarettes and made war on each other, the seasons would change".
This sentence was in the first paragraph on page 1 of chapter 8.
Answer: Compound sentence.
Explanation: Compound sentences contain 2 independent clauses combined by a comma and coordinating conjuction.
[Mom baked cookies for the school picnic] - Independent clause
[Dad volunteered to grill the hamburgers] - Independent clause
Both the sentences are independent clauses and are combined by the coordinating conjuction ( and) and a comma.