what are we suppose to do here
The government taking away every gun from every single owner is an unrealistic answer. The government can have a buyback program to get rid of guns, but cannot force to take away millions of guns.
An organization reason is when organizing the readers text
A religious reason is..... Someones thoughts and feelings and what whom they believe in
A moral reason is when...... someone is moral to one another
people study each of these subjects depending on what occupation they plan on advancing in. you may choose a pathway that requires you to take certain classes to prove you understand the basic knowledge needed in that career pathway. You may also take certain classes merly for the fact that you are interested and they help to bring you closer to people who have the same interests as you.
science: if you wanted to become a biologist, chemist, etc or because it is a required course
english: english is required in many pathways (such as becoming a playwright or teacher)
french: will be helpful in getting a job in other countries or you may take this course due to the fact you can make more on your annual salary (being bilingual)
P.E. : required course.....
etc think about the the reasons you take these courses and the impact and aid they can have on your career