The edges of the continents when flipped over, they fit together as a single large mass making Pangaea.
Examples include interview transcripts, statistical data, and works of art. A primary source gives you direct access to the subject of your research. Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers. Examples include journal articles, reviews, and academic books
Materials that are NOT primary sources include: Books written after a historical event by someone who was not involved in the event. Books are considered Secondary Sources. ... Statistics compiled about a historical event (for example, a tally of the number of dead in a battle)
Government regulation plays a role in business in protecting consumers, preventing actions taken by businesses that will hurt the overall economy, and also in regulating the financial industries sector to prevent major economic turmoil. Periods of unregulated economic activity have been mired by large booms and busts, so governments have attempted to intervene to regulate economies in order to prevent these damaging cycles to economies.
US political parties
Today, America is a multi-party system. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Yet other parties, such as the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties can promote candidates in a presidential election.
The answer is Henry Comstock