LLC, a limited liability company
The regression equation is,
ln(Cell Phone Subscribers) = -820.894 + 0.411704 Year
Percent of Cell Phone Subscribers = exp(--820.894 + 0.411704 Year)
For the year 2005,
Percent of Cell Phone Subscribers = exp(--820.894 + 0.411704 * 2005)
= 96.79%
P-value for the significance of the slope is very low (0.000). Thus, the model is statistically significant and the prediction of the model is highly reliable.
The returns of a capital amount to a compensation rate for depositing the money, to calculate these returns an interest rate is used by which the deposited capital is multiplied, in this case the rate is 4%.
As the money distributed is only the product of interest, then that money is the result of multiplying the capital by the interest rate, to obtain how much money Mr. Jefferson contributed, the reverse process will have to be done.
let <em>C</em> be the capital, then

The capital contributed by Mr. Jefferson was <em>$4,262,500</em>
Standard direct labour cost = $20.00 per hour
The direct labour costs represent expenditures incurred in respect of direct worker which can be traced to the product been produced. For example, the labour cost of machine operator saddled with production task.
The payroll cost is not a direct labour cost because payroll employed are not direct workers, also benefits are overheads related to direct workers
Standard direct labour cost = $20.00