Because Egyptians believed that this life is just one phase that lead to the one that starts after we die. That is why pharaohs and important persons were mummified so their body would be preserved to continue the road. They were put in pyramids, because they were built to be their tombs.
Process of mummification was a complex process which usually lasted for 17 days. Everything had to be well-planned and people who were involved in this process were to be very careful. Pyramids that were built as burial places actually presented greatness and importance of pharaoh that was to be buried in them.
The topography of Bangladesh is frequently altered due to floods.
- Even though Bangladesh is a small country, it has considerable topographic diversity.
- It has three prominent features - a large alluvial plain subject to frequent flooding, a slightly elevated relatively older plain and a small hill region drained by flashy rivers.
- Bangladesh experiences heavy monsoon rains, especially over the highlands.
- Causes of flooding in Bangladesh include -
i. monsoon climate which brings heavy rains.
ii. spring snow-melt which results in soil erosion and a rapid increase in river discharge.
ii. deforestation in head water areas due to increasing population in Nepal and Tibet.
iv. rivers slit-up due to increased soil erosion which raises river beds and lowers the capacity of the channel resulting in floods.
A student buries an ice cube in a pan of dirt and observes the dirt as the ice cube melts. This activity is a model of the formation of a kettle.
Differences in weather and climate create opportunities for geographic segmentation.-e.