Geometric abstraction is a form of artwork that uses geometric forms or shapes. Some twentieth-century American artists are know
n for their use of geometric abstraction. This list includes artists such as Al Held, Bridget Riley, Frank Stella, Ilya Bolotowsky, and Josef Albers. Locate some pieces by these artists, or others who work in the same style, and describe what you see. How does the artist use geometry to elicit a feeling or emotion in the viewer?
What might be the artist’s purpose in creating the work?
In your mind, how does geometry contribute to the success or failure of the piece? Do you appreciate this kind of “geometrical” artwork?
These types of pieces forces us to think about them, however, it does not matter how it’s the most important, what matters is how it makes you, yourself feel, this kind of abstract art is strictly real and gives us space to think on our own, patterns and unity in work , homogeneity and uniqueness are the most factors that defines the good paint or failure on.