2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False. they lived 1345 - 1521
Germany and Ireland were the two countries that sent the most immigrants to America between 1860 and 1900. The immigration was voluntary, not forced by their own governments.
Driving at 55 miles per hour saves gas
It started because Lincoln had won the 1860 election on a ticket of no new slave-states, so the South was doomed to be outvoted in Congress, which would pass laws that favoured the North at the expense of the South. So most of the slave-states broke away to form the Confederate States of America.
As for when it started, there was no actual declaration of war. The Confederacy could claim that it didn't want a war at all; it just wanted to defend its borders. Lincoln could not declare war on the Confederacy, because Congress did not recognise it as a sovereign nation.
The first shots were fired by the Confederates at the US Army garrison on the island of Fort Sumter in Charleston harbour on April 12th 1861, and Lincoln called for volunteer troops. The war was on.
He is in control of the executive branch
Without the executive branch the checks and balances system would fail, which means that one part or in this case two parts of the government would rule the other. The system is put down so that for example the legislative branch can't make laws without the presidents approval, unless overruled, that seem fit to them