Others fell off ladders, slipped on rocks, inhaled silica dust, or suffered from mercury, lead or arsenic poisoning. Many got sick from drinking dirty water and living too close together. Miners faced immediate dangers, as well as health problems that developed over time
The declarations of the letter to the U.S. Congress by the economists concerning the bailouts are evidently specified the disagreement of the source of the letter about the GM bailout. The document stated that the bailout would disrupt the notion of free market in U.S. and that it will break the people who held in the free market (Velasquez, 2012). Also, the bailout and government interference will shift the free market economy into socialism (ibid). The economists and other parties which is convoluted in the making of the letter, sustained the free market economy. They do not approve on government interruption as it disrupts the mechanism of the market that is free of any interference particularly from the government. The sources of the letter thought that it was GM’s own accountability to bail itself out of the insolvency. The bankruptcy was a consequence of bad management of the company and it was its own accountability to resolve the matter. The interference by the government will move the market mechanism. The bailout will disturb the equal right of the people of life, freedom, and possessions as what John Locke’s notion. Furthermore, government meddling will also lower the public’s safety based on Adam Smith’s theory.
C. People gave money to the war effort and received that back with interest after the war
Liberty bonds was sold in the US to support the Allies during First World War, the bonds were a symbol of patriotic duty in US. The people used to purchase bonds and the money went to the wartime military operations, the people would receive their money after the maturity date along with interest. The bonds were issued five times from 1917 to 1919. It was a way to support the allies especially if they were unable to participate in the war. US government managed to raise around 17 billion dollars with bonds.
The French army helped America corner the British by making a blockade and preventing any escape by water whilst the Americans attacked and sealed off any escape by land.
The tax burden in France, prior to the French Revolution, fell on the shoulders of the 98% of the population that made up the Third Estate. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, and the Second Estate was the nobility. Those two estates overlapped in some ways, because high ranking church officials functioned as a form of aristocracy too. And the two leading Estates colluded with one another to keep the system operating the way it was, with them having all the privileges and powers underneath the monarchy.