Between 20% – 30% of the school.
Babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome are proof that alcohol is a teratogen
A teratogen is an agent that causes an abnormality for the fetus during pregnancy
. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.This is because the alcohol passes through the blood and get into the womb thereby reaches the fetus.
Alcohol disturbs the nutrition and oxygen delivery for the baby in the mother’s womb. The development of organs and tissues is also affected due to alcohol consumption. Alcohol also causes permanent brain damage in the baby. Hence alcohol is considered as a teratogen in fetal alcohol syndrome.
a. Mild
Mild anxiety is considered normal because all people manifest it at various times in their daily lives. It is usually triggered by external factors that cause stress, whether positive, such as marriage or travel, or negative, such as financial and family problems.
Mild anxiety can be understood as normal anxiety, while the disorders themselves have high levels of anxiety, which causes intense psychological distress. A certain level of anxiety, besides being normal, is also desirable as it motivates us to new achievements, increases our productivity and learning. Normal anxiety does not hinder the individual from fulfilling his obligations or carrying out activities with which he is accustomed. An example of this is what is happening to the student exposed in the above question, as his anxiety does not hinder him from studying and even motivates him.
lay in a cold dark room if possible, Me a person who gets them seasonally Know your triggers, mine are rain and season changer and loud music for long periods of time. I take 2-4 ibuprofen when I feel one coming on, sometime gets mistaken for a headache or tension headache.