One cannot merely take a cursory view of some of the common Scriptures that are from the scant armory of ammunition used to prove there is a “satan.” It would be impossible to fully explore the topic of “Satan’s” existence or absence of existence without taking a good look at the book of Job. I would like to lay out the concept of how Satan has traditionally been seen in the book of Job, and then I will submit the concept of how Satan should more correctly be viewed when considering that ancient document. After that, I will delve into an explanation of some of the passages and concepts that help us to understand exactly what is the situation with the Satan in the book of Job.
The development that allowed Europeans to obtain the products of East Asia was the:
New maritime technology allowed for ocean-going ships to establish trade routes from Asia to Europe via Southern Africa.
As part of this new maritime technology with the building of steamboats and engines, the development of large canal systems made it very possible for trade to flourish even to the hinterlands of the East Asian countries. Trade was also eased with the building of large warehouses at the banks of the canals and markets.
Forced to leave the land of their ancestors