Thats quite easy
the first pair always goes on the left. and the second pair goes on top. its like multiplying witu exponents. but this as an example , look at my first box. one capital L on top and the other on the left you put them together. if its capital and lowercase the capital one always goes first then its the lowercase (Ll). parent genotypes are the the two pair given to you.thr offspring genotype is the percent of the kids in the boxes. hope i helped!(:
The energy pyramid describes decomposers compared to energy lost as heat. Primary producers start at 100% and it decreases to 10% at primary consumers, 1% at secondary, .1% at third level, and .01% at apex.
The biomass pyramid describes the total mass of an organism and as a biomass moves up, the overall mass is losing volume. This means it decreases as it moves from the bottom to the top.
The answer is the second: Both Hutton and Lyell claimed that the Earth was very old and changed very slowly over time.
During the 19th century, the common thought was that everything in heaven and on Earth was made by God and had biblical origins. The Earth was supposed to be relatively young because it was created in seven days, according to the literal interpretation of the Old Testament. Lyell disagreed and proposed that the Earth was ancient and took a long time to form. Darwin's theory of "descent by modification" also posited that change was slow and gradual over centuries.
I hope I have helped you, can you put that this is the smartest answer please.
Its the the number of proteins and neutrons in the atom.