A man is <em>'always a child'</em> in the woods as it is only the child spirit within a man that recognizes the beauty of nature as it is.
The central idea presented by Waldo in the essay is that in nature a man tends to meet and find his best self. The sentence that supports this is, "In the woods, we return to reason and faith."
"Nature" is an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The essay is drawn from the materials Emerson had recorded in sermons, lectures, and journals.
In the essay, Emerson states that a man has to cast off his age (matureness) to comprehend nature as it is, just like a snake casts off his slough.
A man is <em>'always a child' </em>in the woods as only the spirit child within a man can truly comprehend nature as it is, unlike an adult who manipulates nature.
The central idea that Emerson presents in the essay is that it is in nature a man finds his best self. The sentence that best supports this is, <em>"In the woods, we return to reason and faith."</em>
The proper denotation of the word "unhappy" is:
C. miserable
<h2>Further explanation
Denotation is a meaning that is by the original meaning, without any shift in meaning, or change in meaning. Or it can be called the meaning of Sharifah.
Examples of denotation sentences are:
- A hard bang on his head made him almost lost his mind (memory loss = memory that suddenly disappeared)
- The rain that fell today was so heavy. (Rain = spatter of water that comes from clouds and then down to earth)
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Class: Middle school
Subject: English
Keywords: denotation meaning.
It can be didactic or hortatory
Explanation: Didactic:This means that it sets out to teach, to instruct.
hortatory, meaning that it urges and encourages the addressee towards following a certain path, as the father aims to inculcate a whole set of morals and values in his son.
Although many people would love to have a pet dog or cat, they often cannot, because they or their family members have allergies to the dander that furry pets carry on their coats. All is not lost for these people, however; they can still have a loving pet if they choose a reptile that has neither hair nor dander on its skin. For many busy pet owners who work long hours, owning a dog that needs to be walked every few hours is not an option, because they can’t get home to do it and don’t have the finances to pay a dog walker. The good news is that most exotic pets don’t need to be walked. People frequently comment that they could never own a pet because they’d get so attached to it that they couldn’t bear losing it. Of course, no pet exotic or otherwise lives forever. However, certain species, such as large birds and some reptiles, can live for 20-40 years or more in captivity. Certainly, these animals must be taken care of properly fed appropriate diets, housed according to the species’ needs, and given regular medical check-ups to live to their genetic potential.
Apparently it is the first one, A