1. The reproductive parts of angiosperms are located within the flower called the stamen and pistill
and the female part is called Pistil and The male part is Stamen.
2. In angiosperms, pollen produces male cells. Pollen sticks to the female stigma and travels down the style to the ovary. This is where fusion of pollen and ovule will occur to make seeds.
3. The reproductive parts of plants are part of the shoot system.
4. Plant growth and development is regulated by harmone which send chemical messages.
Flowers are the reproductive part of the plant which produces seeds. In flowers, male organ is called stamen and female organ is called pistill or carpals. Stamen has two parts i. e. anther and filament. Pistill has three parts i. e. stigma, style and ovary. Anther contains pollen which fall on stigma and make a tube which goes towards ovary where ovules are present. When pollens fuse with ovules, forming a seed which is a baby plant.
Answer:cell membrane surrounds all cells
nucleus holds DNA and directs all actions
cell wall surrounds the cell membrane of plant cells
chloroplasts goes with photosynthesis
ER groups an packages materials
vacuoles storage
ribosomes protein synthesis
golgi apparatus moves materials in cells
cellular respiration mitichondria
Sorry for the bad hand writing :)
Unique Biodiversity. Eighty percent of the world's known terrestrial plant and animal species can be found in forests, and tropical rainforests are home to more species than any other terrestrial habitat. A square kilometer of forest may be home to more than 1,000 species.