Answer and Explanation:
Holden means that he wants children to stop growing up so they don't need to face the adult problems that he has delt with.
"Phoebe points out that Holden has misheard the words—the actual lyric, from the Robert Burns poem, “Coming Thro' the Rye,” is “If a body meet a body coming through the rye” (Sparknotes).
The answer would be 54.50 because 2.24x3=6.72 and 16x1.79=38.64 and you would need 6 packs of hearts and 6x3.19=19.14 and all that equals $54.50.
MEdia can affect my life in a negative and positive way . A negative way because it raises my expectation on how i hould spotray my looks and how i should look . Also in a positive way it can make me get new ideas or improve in a good way in life
It's a verb that has to have a ACTION and a SUBJECT is the sentence.
<u>Answer▪︎#2 -Keelie's heart is pure gold</u>
<u>Answer▪︎#2 -Keelie's heart is pure goldExplanation:</u>
<u>T</u><u>he sentences use is which is commonly used for compare it as a metaphor.</u>
<u>he sentences use is which is commonly used for compare it as a metaphor.The first one is a hyperbole because it is exaggerating.</u>
<u>he sentences use is which is commonly used for compare it as a metaphor.The first one is a hyperbole because it is exaggerating.The third one is personication because it is saying that a non-living thing is doing an action.</u>
<u>he sentences use is which is commonly used for compare it as a metaphor.The first one is a hyperbole because it is exaggerating.The third one is personication because it is saying that a non-living thing is doing an action.The last one is a smilie because it is comparing sue and the toothpick using the words like or as. In this case as.</u>