The answer is very simple: no. No, we have not achieved full equality with regards of race. No, we should not feel like we have achieved such a thing. But, everyone’s answers will vary. Some might think that we have, some might think that we haven’t (which is the most intelligent answer, it shows that some people aren’t naive and/ or living in their own little world,) and some might not even care. Many forms of discrimination still exist in the world we live in today. Why would anybody “feel” as if we’ve already achieved any sort of equality when people (not all) are still going after others for something as simple and the color of their skin? Their culture? The country they’re from? The real question is; will we ever TRULY achieve equality?
shown from the strength of horoscope
The quote is stated in the context of punishment that it makes men colder and harder, and increases their resistance.
The given quote was stated by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, a German philosopher, and writer.
In his book titled, "On the Genealogy of Morality," he talked about morality. In the book, he stated that punishment makes men more distant from others; colder, stubborn, and harder; it also increases the feelings of alienation, and strengthens their power of resistance.
In simple terms, punishment makes no good out of men but makes them more miserable, alienated, and resisting.