A Career Pathway is a series of structured and connected education programs and support. services that enable students, often while they are working, to advance over time to better. jobs and higher levels of education and training.
Food sources of vitamins include plants and animals. Vitamins are only found in living things; however, there is not one food source that can provide all the vitamins needed for growth and development of a healthy body. A variety of foods, therefore, must be eaten. For example, potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C, but they are not a good source of Vitamin D. Restricting a diet to foods that are limited in their vitamin content or variety can lead to deficiencies. Because vitamins are essential to the body's utilization of energy, deficiencies can cause a wide range of health problems, ranging from brittle fingernails to heart failure. The seriousness of the effects is due mostly to the length of time that a person has had a deficiency. Cells can function for a period of time without the needed vitamins. Cases of life-threatening deficiencies are rare in nations such as the United States because of the abundance of food sources available to people of all economic levels.
A reflex that is seen in normal newborn babies, who automatically turn the face toward the stimulus and make sucking (rooting) motions with the mouth when the cheek or lip is touched. The rooting reflex helps to ensure successful breastfeeding.