Okay so matching the words to the definition am I correct let me know so I can help I just wanna make sure
Gloomy and Decay
In this poem, T S Eliot presents disillusion and physical inertia of modern life. The eternal footman is someone who waits while holding the coats of visitors. But this footman may be doom or death and may be the giver may nor return. Hence, the footman snickers, which is a half-suppressed, scornful laugh, rather than a normal laugh since he knows the person whom coat he is holding may not return back as in the case of a visitor who enters a building for entertainment or work.
Bandwagon (I'm not fully sure, so sorry if I get you wrong)
Explanation: In the text the author includes that "This is today's hottest technology". Making an argument or a choice based on the appeal to popular opinion is defined as bandwagoning.
A virtual Meet just like ours! Well, since our school's closed we r gonna do a virtual online meet and we have also created docs where all the students write a special note for Each other. the more the distance you keep with large gatherings the better it will be for you and others.
Have a good day or night, and Best of luck for your graduation!! Have fun!!