The answer to this question is the term Data Dictionary. A Data Dictionary or also known as metadata repository is a set of information that is stored which contains data, meanings, and values. The data dictionary can be used as a tool for communication between the stakeholders.
C. Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.
Byte pair encoding is a form of encoding in which the most common pairs of consecutive bytes of data are replaced by a single byte which does not occur within the set of data.
For example, if we has a string ZZaaAb, it can be encoded if the pairs of string ZZ are replaced by X and the second pair by Y. So, our data now becomes XYAb.
To get our original data, that is decode it, we just replace the data with the keys X = ZZ and Y = aa thus allowing our original data to be restored.
Since our original string is restored without loss of data, it implies that <u>byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.</u>
A, true. Requirements describe the objectives of any assignment.
e) None of the above
Software engineers should make the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a respected and beneficial profession. In accordance with the obligation with the welfare, health and safety of society, software engineers should adhere to the following Eight Principles:
Society: Software engineers will act in a manner consistent with the social interest.
Client and Entrepreneur: software engineers will act in a way that produces the best result for client and entrepreneur, and in a manner consistent with the social interest.
Product: Software engineers will ensure that their products and corresponding modifications meet the highest possible professional standards.
Valuation: software engineers will maintain integrity and independence in their professional valuations.
Management: Software engineering leaders and managers will subscribe and promote an ethical approach in software development and maintenance management.
Profession: software engineers will advance in the integrity and reputation of the profession, to drive consistent with the social interest.
Partners: Software engineers will be fair and support their partners.
Staff: Software engineers will participate in continuous learning regarding the practice of their profession and will promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.