The author is following a specific rhythmic pattern (Ten More, Ten More, Ten Past) in a way that connects to the imagery of the poem.
- Spanish especialmente and Portuguese especialmente
- English usually and Portuguese usualmente
- English ordinarily and Portuguese ordinário
- English occasionally and Portuguese ocasionalmente
- English normally and Portuguese normalmente
- English especially and Portuguese especialmente
Cognate words are words that have the same etymological origin and present themselves in a very similar way and with a strong kinship between them, where, most have the same meaning, or very similar meanings. There are several cognates in the same language, however, due to the interaction between peoples the interference that these interactions had in languages, it is possible to see cognates in different languages, an example of which can be shown in the examples above, which show cognates between English , Portuguese and Spanish.
she felt like a outsider in her new school
outsider means a person who doesn't belong to a family community or proffession game or anything
Thesis statements are usually opinions and tend to be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. A is the only one with all opinions because the other sentences have facts that can be proved.