When Charles John Davids proposed to Madison Al Newert 3/4/1884 somewhere in Africa.
And when Jesus Christ said good morrow to James Heartyfult 19/6/2004.
Just off the top of my head.
Answer: C. Spurred a period of economic growth and prosperity
The businesses were happy in the 1920s and this made them produce more and drive the economy forward thereby leading to prosperity unlike anything ever seen before.
They were happy because the government was pro-business which meant that they interfered little in the affairs of businesses such that businesses were free to chase profits how they liked. Higher tariffs on foreign goods meant that domestic producers could sell at higher prices and make a profit.
In 1781, James Madison (1751–1836) asked Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) for his account of those tumultuous pivotal days in which the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were drafted. Recognizing the importance of the process for the Revolution and for posterity, Thomas Jefferson prepared his notes of the proceedings in Congress, June 7–August 1, 1776. On this page, Jefferson’s notes reflect his interest in Article XVII, about representation in Congress.
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The main reason why it would benefit a company to restrict its supply of a product to consumers when consumer demand for the product is high is because the prices are higher.
Although science has come a long way in this regard, burials still often cannot reveal when the deceased person died, or even when exactly he or she lived. It also cannot tell much about the person's true beliefs, although it may give clues as to the profession or religion of the deceased.
What the burial can or cannot tell depends significantly on the age, complexity, and preservation of the burial itself, but generally there is a great deal that a burial cannot tell historians.