I will make sure all the womens are now protected from discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, marital status and more by the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.Also I will aware all that women’s rights are human rights. Equality rights are of particular importance, given the unequal treatment women have experienced in Canada. A number of legal instruments exist in Canada to protect equality for women.So that women can have a meaning of their life.
The government makes sure healthy food commodities are imported into the country and also controls the price tag
The tread on the road declined sharply till in the 13th century,when the conquests of the Mongols ushered in an era of frequent and extended contacts between East and West...
With less cost,harassment and danger,many goods and materials that the Silk Road could not transfer were conveyed through the sea route.
Do you want us to write a paragraph for u? Or help u write it. Specify pls
Answer: The four stages of social movements are bureaucratization, emergence, decline and coalescence.
Emergence: It is the initial stage of social movement. The movement attains little to no organization at this stage and the goals are unclear.
Coalescence: It is the second stage and it is associated with the discontent and social agitation against the opposing party for which the movement has created.
Bureaucratization: It is the stage in which the social movement raises awareness and reaches up to a higher level of organization.
Decline: This is the last stage which can achieve either success or failure. In this stage repression of the complainants or co-optation when the authorities and the complainants reach a conclusion.