The Great Society legislation marked the peak of the efforts by liberals to achieve social and economic justice through positive rights such as to decent living standards and health care. The legislation sought to afford all Americans an opportunity through participation in the economy. The Great Society Legislation is linked to the New Deal in that it expanded the reforms that were started by Roosevelt.
It is actually C. D was the main reason he wanted to annul his marriage.
The case was finally broken open in the summer of 2002. Confronted with evidence obtained through electronic surveillance and other means, the six admitted that they had gone to Afghanistan the previous year and pleaded guilty to training with a terrorist organization. The successful investigation demonstrated the value of sharing government intelligence with law enforcement officials. But even that information could not reveal why the six had gone halfway around the world.
Conservatism is belief in the rights of the individual and STRICT interpretation of the constitution.
Liberalism believes that the greater good is more important than individual rights. that the constitution is an outdated document and needs to be changed to fit the changing times. conservatives - capitalism separates the worthy from the unworthy; if you're poor you deserve to be poor because it must have been from a mistake you made or a character flaw
liberals - capitalism is a good but imperfect system; sometimes people need help to get out of poverty and it's fair to ask the very rich to kick in a bit for that purpose.
People felt that one group was pushing their limits and power too far, Bacon Rebellion it was rich people and King Phillips War was the English