Hunters gatherers were nomadic. That means that when they would hunt enough and gather enough so that there's no more animals to hunt or food to gather, they would move to a different zone. Unlike them, agricultural communities made their own food so they could settle down and not worry about having to move after a while. This enabled them to have surplus of food and to trade with others and develop more.
France was the first Country to sign the treaty
December 7, 1941 (or 6, 1941, depending on which time zone you were in), was the day of the Battle of Pearl Harbor, in which Japan broke political ties with the US, and attacked the US harbors in Pearl Harbor, destroying multiple infrastructure and battleships before the US had time to react. This battle also sparked the US to declare war on Japan, and led to the internment of Japanese American Nisei and Issei in an attempt to rid the US of spies & political enemies.
maybe they used the cliff as a shelter beacause there are some people that haven't a house like us to the family that live in roads in souroundings a homies . they can live their unpermanent.
Germany did not exist at the time, so they couldnt compete