The anti federalists were against having a strong government dominated by the rich. The plan of the federalists were to have only rich people in power because they were the only ones fit to rule. The anti federalists did not want that to happen because that would mean that they would not listen to the majority of the people which are farmers
Relationship with the Homeland Most colonies were built on the political model of the Greek polis, but types of government included those seen across Greece itself - oligarchy, tyranny, and even democracy - and they could be quite different from the system in the founder, parent city.
Describe the relationship between the Greek homeland and its colonies.
In the House, bills are officially introduced by placing them in a special box known as the hopper, which is located at the rostrum, or Speaker's platform. In the Senate, a bill is introduced by placing it on the presiding officer's desk or by formally introducing it on the Senate Floor.
Mecca and Jerusalem, since Muhammad was born in Mecca and he rose up to heaven in Jerusalem