Caudillo is a term derived from the Spanish word Capitellum meaning Small Head ( head of an irregular ruled political territory). In the Latin American context, this term was used for the Military Leaders, who challenged the authority of the Spanish government. Therefore, these Caudillos or the strong man gave birth to a system called Caudillismo (a system of political-social domination under the leadership of a strong man). They rose after the Independence War from Spain in the 19th century in Latin America.
The answer would be D, ruled by a small group.
Do you know the context?
I suppose the quotation is stressing that the writer has put a lot of effort into getting their argument/grievances heard by the parliament, and that said parliament is 'tyrannical', implying that it rules without concern for the people or accountability to them. It seems that the quote may be a way of justifying some later action, essentially saying; 'we've tried and failed to do this in the proper way, so now we must be more forceful'.
Britney Spears is the princess of Pop 1999.
Here are the answers to the given question above. Congressional powers include the following and these are: making new money, and repealing a supreme court. Other powers of the Congress are as stated: <span>Coining money and overriding a presidential veto and making laws. Hope this answer helps.</span>