1. A primary source of Michael's internal struggle is his sadness over his parents' deaths. He is upset and resentful of his aunt for failing to protect them, and he is also dealing with the grief of having to say goodbye to his beloved family members. The text supports this assertion by stating "I hate her for not being able to save them. I hate her for not being able to do anything." Because Michael is blaming his aunt for the loss of his parents, it is clear that he is dealing with loss.
2. Michael and his aunt will never be friends, in my opinion. Michael's aunt will continue to try to assert authority over him because of the death of his parents. When Michael adds, "She's always telling me what to do, and she's always trying to control me." the text supports this statement. Michael and his aunt are clearly at odds, and it doesn't look like they'll be able to work things out any time soon.
Don't forget to change some of my words to avoid plagiarism.
In composition, unity is the quality of oneness in a paragraph or essay that results when all the words and sentences contribute to a single effect or main idea. Also called wholeness.
For the past two centuries, composition handbooks have insisted that unity is an essential characteristic of an effective text. Professor Andy Crockett points out that the "five-paragraph theme and current-traditional rhetoric's emphasis on method reflect further the expediency and utility of unity." However, Crockett also notes that "for rhetoricians, the achievement of unity has never been taken for granted" (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, 1996).
I think the best answer is 'it creates a mood of despair and surrender', but it could possibly be 'it suggests what the characters should be feeling'.